Adult Day
Adult day services consist of meaningful daytime activities that maximize or maintain skills and abilities; keep participants engaged in their environment and community through optimal care and support; actively stimulate, encourage, develop, and maintain personal skills; introduce new leisure pursuits; establish new relationships; improve or maintain flexibility, mobility, and strength; or build on previously learned skills. Adult day services provide active, person-centered supports which foster independence as identified in the participant’s IPC.
Community Living Services (Formerly Residential and Supported Living)
Community living services are individually-tailored supports that assist the participant with the acquisition, retention, or improvement of skills related to living in the community. These supports include adaptive skill development, assistance with activities of daily living including medication assistance, light housekeeping, community inclusion, transportation, adult educational supports, and social and leisure skill development that assist the participant to reside in the most integrated setting appropriate for his/her needs. Community living includes personal care, protective oversight, and supervision as indicated in the IPC.
Community Support Services (Formerly Community Integration)
Community support services offer assistance with acquisition, retention, or improvement in self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills. Services include activities designed to keep participants engaged in their environment, develop and maintain relationships, and build on previously learned skills. Services shall be furnished consistent with the participant’s IPC, and include full access to the community to the same degree as community members who do not receive Medicaid home and community based services. Adult educational supports are an approved activity of this service.
Supported Employment Services
The outcome of using employment services is to help a participant find and maintain a job that meets personal and career goals. Supported employment services offer a variety of supports to assist a participant age 18 or older who, because of their disability, needs intensive support to find and maintain self-employment or a job in a competitive, integrated work setting for which a participant is compensated at or above the minimum wage, but not less than the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by an individual without a disability.
Individual Habilitation Training (0-21 yrs Old)
Training objectives are required, must be meaningful to the participant, and may include: adaptive skill development; assistance and training on activities of daily living; transportation safety and navigation; building social capital and connections; and hobby skill development for work on fine or gross motor skills.
Child Habilitation Services
Child habilitation services provide regularly scheduled activities and supervision to children for a portion of their day. Services include training, coordination, and intervention directed at skill development and maintenance, physical health promotion and maintenance, language development, cognitive development, socialization, social and community integration, and domestic and economic management. This includes services not otherwise available through public education programs in the participant’s local school district, including after school supervision, daytime services when school is not in session, and services to preschool age children.
Companion Services
Companion services include supervision, socialization, and assistance for a participant to maintain safety in the home and community, and to enhance independence. Companions may assist or supervise the participant with tasks such as meal preparation, laundry, and shopping, but do not perform these activities as discrete services. Companions may also perform light housekeeping tasks that are incidental to the care and supervision of the participant. The provision of companion services does not entail hands-on nursing care, but does include personal care such as medication assistance, and assistance with activities of daily living, as needed, during the provision of services. Routine transportation is included in the reimbursement rate.
Respite services are intended to be utilized on a short-term, temporary basis to provide relief for an unpaid caregiver from the daily burdens of care. Respite is also available to non-accredited providers of community living services. Respite includes assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), medication assistance if needed, and supervision.
Adult day services consist of meaningful daytime activities that maximize or maintain skills and abilities; keep participants engaged in their environment and community through optimal care and support; actively stimulate, encourage, develop, and maintain personal skills; introduce new leisure pursuits; establish new relationships; improve or maintain flexibility, mobility, and strength; or build on previously learned skills. Adult day services provide active, person-centered supports which foster independence as identified in the participant’s IPC.
Community Living Services (Formerly Residential and Supported Living)
Community living services are individually-tailored supports that assist the participant with the acquisition, retention, or improvement of skills related to living in the community. These supports include adaptive skill development, assistance with activities of daily living including medication assistance, light housekeeping, community inclusion, transportation, adult educational supports, and social and leisure skill development that assist the participant to reside in the most integrated setting appropriate for his/her needs. Community living includes personal care, protective oversight, and supervision as indicated in the IPC.
Community Support Services (Formerly Community Integration)
Community support services offer assistance with acquisition, retention, or improvement in self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills. Services include activities designed to keep participants engaged in their environment, develop and maintain relationships, and build on previously learned skills. Services shall be furnished consistent with the participant’s IPC, and include full access to the community to the same degree as community members who do not receive Medicaid home and community based services. Adult educational supports are an approved activity of this service.
Supported Employment Services
The outcome of using employment services is to help a participant find and maintain a job that meets personal and career goals. Supported employment services offer a variety of supports to assist a participant age 18 or older who, because of their disability, needs intensive support to find and maintain self-employment or a job in a competitive, integrated work setting for which a participant is compensated at or above the minimum wage, but not less than the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by an individual without a disability.
Individual Habilitation Training (0-21 yrs Old)
Training objectives are required, must be meaningful to the participant, and may include: adaptive skill development; assistance and training on activities of daily living; transportation safety and navigation; building social capital and connections; and hobby skill development for work on fine or gross motor skills.
Child Habilitation Services
Child habilitation services provide regularly scheduled activities and supervision to children for a portion of their day. Services include training, coordination, and intervention directed at skill development and maintenance, physical health promotion and maintenance, language development, cognitive development, socialization, social and community integration, and domestic and economic management. This includes services not otherwise available through public education programs in the participant’s local school district, including after school supervision, daytime services when school is not in session, and services to preschool age children.
Companion Services
Companion services include supervision, socialization, and assistance for a participant to maintain safety in the home and community, and to enhance independence. Companions may assist or supervise the participant with tasks such as meal preparation, laundry, and shopping, but do not perform these activities as discrete services. Companions may also perform light housekeeping tasks that are incidental to the care and supervision of the participant. The provision of companion services does not entail hands-on nursing care, but does include personal care such as medication assistance, and assistance with activities of daily living, as needed, during the provision of services. Routine transportation is included in the reimbursement rate.
Respite services are intended to be utilized on a short-term, temporary basis to provide relief for an unpaid caregiver from the daily burdens of care. Respite is also available to non-accredited providers of community living services. Respite includes assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), medication assistance if needed, and supervision.